As this unit draws to a close I can honestly say I feel exhausted.

I have learnt a lot about my ability in this unit. I didn’t think I was going to be able to complete the workload at one point, but after a reality check I’ve learnt that I need to plan everyday out. This gives me optimum proficiency.  I felt as though this was a really research heavy unit more so than the hair or the digital image. I feel confident now in doing someone else’s design and this was something that I thought I was going to struggle with horrendously with. I’d like to become more confident in creating looks from mood boards alone and that is something I am going to challenge myself with next unit

I struggled at first working with a partner because I’m used to working alone. I enjoyed it though; it’s interesting to see how other people will carry out your design and vice versa. I was extraordinarily happy with my New Elizabethan design and I’m glad I kept a record of the designing process. I can’t wait to start again next semester. I will be making use of the tutorials more, so I know exactly what is expected from me in the beginning. I’m not going to be afraid to dive down the research rabbit hole when I find something that I can link to my topic; as I felt I played it very safe this time. I also won't be so shy in regards to showing my designs that I do in my own time. I’m my own worst critic and I’ll be looking to be more positive in the New Year




This lady has been my biggest motivator and i'll be eternally grateful for all the wonderful advice she gave me to get through this unit. Thankfully, now that Sharon has taught me how to plan; I'll be less of mess next semester 


BBC, 2015. Elizabeth I: Troubled child to beloved queen [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
BURROW, M., 2013. Battle of Bosworth - war of the roses [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., 2006. Comment by dianabuja [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., 2015. Contouring tricks for every face shape [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
CONWAY, J., 2004. Make-up artistry: For professional qualifications. Oxford: Heinemann Educational
ANON., 2015. Dark Fairytales [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
DE CASTELLA, T., 2011. Fake tan: How did it become the new normal? BBC Magazine, 7 September
ANON., 2015. Delia Smith [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., 2015. ‘Diana, princess of wales with her sons’ [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
HART-DAVIS, A. and A. DEBENHAMS, 2013. Secret home office plan means YOU could wake up next door to asylum seekers’ hostel[viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
Elizabeth (11/11) movie CLIP - the virgin queen (1998) HD, 2011 . YouTube
Elizabeth (10/11) movie CLIP - I have become a virgin (1998) HD, 2011 . YouTube
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
PASTER, G.K., 1993. The body embarrassed: Drama and the disciplines of shame in early modern England. United States: Cornell University Press
Portraiture of Elizabeth I of England (2015).
ANON., 2015. Tudor cosmetics, barley hall [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., n.d. Tudor rose [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
ANON., 2015. Women in Tudor England [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

BBC, 2015. Elizabeth I: Troubled child to beloved queen [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(BBC 2015)
BURROW, M., 2013. Battle of Bosworth - war of the roses [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Burrow 2013)
ANON., 2006. Comment by dianabuja [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2006)
ANON., 2015. Contouring tricks for every face shape [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)
CONWAY, J., 2004. Make-up artistry: For professional qualifications. Oxford: Heinemann Educational
(Conway 2004)
ANON., 2015. Dark Fairytales [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)
DE CASTELLA, T., 2011. Fake tan: How did it become the new normal? BBC Magazine, 7 September
(de Castella 2011)
ANON., 2015. Delia Smith [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)
ANON., 2015. ‘Diana, princess of wales with her sons’ [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)
HART-DAVIS, A. and A. DEBENHAMS, 2013. Secret home office plan means YOU could wake up next door to asylum seekers’ hostel[viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Hart-Davis and Debenhams 2013)
Elizabeth (11/11) movie CLIP - the virgin queen (1998) HD, 2011 . YouTube
(Elizabeth (11/11) movie CLIP - the virgin queen (1998) HD 2011)
Elizabeth (10/11) movie CLIP - I have become a virgin (1998) HD, 2011 . YouTube
(Elizabeth (10/11) movie CLIP - I have become a virgin (1998) HD2011)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 9 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., n.d. [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
PASTER, G.K., 1993. The body embarrassed: Drama and the disciplines of shame in early modern England. United States: Cornell University Press
(Paster 1993)
Portraiture of Elizabeth I of England (2015).
(Anon., 2015)
ANON., 2015. Tudor cosmetics, barley hall [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)
ANON., n.d. Tudor rose [viewed 11 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., n.d.)
ANON., 2015. Women in Tudor England [viewed 13 December 2015]. Available from:
(Anon., 2015)

It's possible to fall into a false sense of security when you're being the model for your own design. It would be easy to think that there is no stress. How wrong was I? I'd practiced many parts of my own design a million times to make sure every single aspect of my design was easy to do. I tried to stay 'hands off' with Sophia when she was practicing, but I found it really difficult. I just had to explain lots. Explain the small little things I'd done to make individual elements easier to deliver.

I used a face mask the night before, and washed my face in tea tree oil face wash from
The Body Shop in the morning. It is my go to skin care product and I want to give Sophia the best canvas I can possibly muster.

I feel confident in her abilities and I was happy with the results I'd seen when we had practiced together. I just think she might have been a little nervous about using the face mask to make the dripping effect.

She sets up really nicely and her station looks really clean and organised. When we practised we both put out all of our kit and we both found that it made our stations get 100% messier and unorganised. I give her the products that I used so she could recreate the look.

I feel really confident in her abilities because I was really happy with how the results turned out when she practiced.

She spends a lot of time making sure the white base is perfect. I have to admire her patience for this. I would have struggled to achieve the same.

Thankfully Sophia remembered to use the card to get the really harsh line for the blusher that was needed. I'm feeling really happy with the results that are appearing. She puts on the eyeshadows and gets them to the same colour and darkness that we had achieved when we practiced and it seems to be going well so far. Her time management skills are great.

She whizzes through the mascara and very delicately puts on the lipstick how we had planned. Again, she nails it.

I can see her start to worry when it comes to doing the Neck Drippy Bit
™ She starts to mix it all up but forgets the white skin base. As she's mixing it all it's only by chance knocks the Skin base when she puts the bowl down. She instantly realises that she's forgotten it. I breathe a sigh of relief. She continues to mix up the paste testing the consistency by holding up the brush and seeing how well and easily it can drip.

She puts it all down my neck and using a brush to 'pull' down some 'veins'. I have to say overall I'm really happy with what she's managed to do.

The only thing I think she could have improved on was getting a sharper, more defined line along the jaw.

Blog post 1: Reflect on your TA performance and design. Discuss how you worked with another make-up artist design, what would you do differently, how the outcome reflect the design you were given?

It's been a rough week. I've had chronic toothache and the stress of my impending assessment has got me going all shades of crazy. I've really started to doubt everything I do and this makes me question how well I'm going to perform.

We had a practice session the night before my assessment and I felt fairly confident. I nailed the eyelashes and the winged liner, which were the two things that I thought were going to mess up her design.

When I got home, I cleaned my kit. I made sure it looked immaculate. A poorly kept kit reflects on you. So I sorted through the kit and made sure that I had everything that I needed. I double, triple and quadrupled checked the product list and stop OCDing over it and put it away for the night. I already had my clean black clothes ready and I began to try and get some shut eye.


Hardly any sleep and rush to get ready, I'm well on the way to my first assessment. I'm actually a little bit excited. I decided that coffee wasn't a good idea as it'll give me the shakes. I come into the class room calmly and zone out while I set up. I put my facechart up on the mirror, and my hand written notes. I'm so glad that I bothered to write some down. When I get l flustered I would probably forget something really easy and simple.

I put down the couch roll, set out all the brushes and cleanse, tone and moisturise Sophia. I take it slowly, so I don't rush and mess things up. From our practice sessions  I know that getting the base perfect is the most time consuming part, so I try my best to smash this. It's at this moment I know I need to invest in some sponges for my kit. I would think about beauty blenders but I'm not sure about the hygiene side of things.

I sail through the stages of the make up. My winged eyeliner went really well, the eyelash application went smooth. Even the heart on the lips went well.

Thinking on my feet, I used a matte white eyeshadow under the eyes because the foundation creased really badly. This worked a charm. When I finished the design Sophia seemed happy with it. So I guess that it was a good outcome.

What I've learnt from working with another make up artist:

- Communication is crucial. I felt like a lot of the time I felt like it was me that was making all the plans. I felt as though if I had left it to Sophia, we might not have met up to practice.
- It feels weird trying to showcase your skillset when you have a really simple design to do. I wish it would have been a little more complicated that would have proven a little bit more of a challenge.
- People will change their designs and not say anything about it. I noticed this with my partner. It wasn't a big deal, it just wasn't mentioned

What I'd do differently

- I'd probably organise my workstation in a better way. By the end of my session it looked Hurricane Nikki had swept through. It's so easy to get wrapped up in just picking things up and throwing them back down when you notice something that needs to be fixed immediately.

- I'd practice a white base application more. It's not easy. It's time consuming. It's important to be 100% happy with the base because as I learnt during my assessment, going back in to touch up a powdered white base is a very stupid idea as it makes it cakey. These kinda things are the incidents that make me want to pull out my hair and have a panic. Thankfully I didn't.

Here are some photos of my finished look :

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