Final Design. Critique. Practise.

I always find Sharon's Seminars interesting. I feel as though there's always a good amount of Education vs Discussion in them and we feed off of each other's thoughts, opinions and knowledge. After the though provoking week of doing final designs (Translation: Week of hell that was conjoured because of artist block) I had to prepare my presentation on the lady in waiting that I chose.

I tried to keep it short and sweet. I gave the history of her but really made a point of explaining the story of her trip to the tower. After all, this is what inspired my design.
Then the blissful presentation turned into something terrifying.
Critique Mondays!

It's the first time I've ever had my designs critiqued. I'm always scared of this ebcause nobody wants to hear their designs are rubbish. I'd even said this to Sharon before I started my presentation. I laid my 4 face charts on the table and it honestly felt like I was laying down part of my soul.

The General Feedback was great. I explained my idea mud splashes up across the face. I had said it was the whole idea about 'Riches to Rags'. I wanted the idea of her being dragged to the Tower and it would have splashed against her face. We got to experiment in a practical session with Sue. She really encouraged the idea of texture and using interesting techniques. I wanted to try this out.

What was on my post it notes:

-What are you setting it with?
-I think you should put the mud spots on your favourite design. Like a collar or something.
-Need to think about brows. Good ideas, practise mud look using different products
-Think about Brows. Mud up the neck?
-Think about the eyebrows
-Experiment with mud masks
-Love your designs :)
-Think about what you want to do with the brows
-Test out your make up and make sure it works how you planned,

I got quite a few questions about how I'd go about doing the mud because I said I wasn't happy with how the brown face paint looked. Sharon then mentioned facemasks. She said that it would be a great texture

Armed with this advice I decided to go home and try my design with all of these new ideas.


So it's late! I'm not say here with a mud mask dripping down my neck and on my Batman PJs. After applying my design to my face, I'd decided that the make up look itself is really simple but it's the mud mask collar that makes my design look quite edgy.

To make up this mask I mixed in some Illamasqua Skin Base : White into a cup with the mudmask. The mud mask has a slight green hue, so I added a fair amount
of setting powder. I then tipped my head back and then let all of it drip down my neck.

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