Contra-actions and Contra-indications

Hygiene is extremely important within the make up field and it can make people question a make up artist's integrity. When starting a brief it's important to complete a consultation sheet. This is to prevent irritation to the clients previous skin complaint and prevent further infection.

A Contra-indication refers to a condition that is present on a client that will prevent or restrict make-up procedures being carried out or will require medical approval before procedures can go a head. Contra-indications may include external conditions such as contagious skin diseases. 
(Conway 2004)

A Few examples of Contra-indications include:

Herpes Simplex (Cold sores)

  • (Anon., n.d.)

    Herpes on the face can appear in many forms, but sores around the mouth and on the lips are normally a common sign. Herpes simplex is highly contagious so it would be recommended to avoid the area or use disposable applicators.


    (Anon., n.d.)
     This is a fairly common eye complaint and can be recognised from the red eyes like this, normally coupled with discharged coming from the eyes. This is also highly contagious. Not to be mistaken with styes. If a client has a sty, you can still go ahead with the procedure but you have to take the precaution of using disposable applicators on each eye.


  • (Anon., n.d.)

  • Ringworm is a fungal infection is most definitely contagious and it is to be left alone. You can't take any precautionary measures because of it's severity. You would have defer the treatment until a later date.


    A contra-action is an undesirable reaction that occurs during or after a make-up  procedure, requiring the procedure to be stopped mid-way or preventing it from being repeated in the future. (Conway 2004)

    Some possible contra-actions can include:

    - Watery eyes

    - Rashes
    - Blistering
    - Burning sensation
    - Severe erythema

    - Hives

    These can be caused to an allergy to the products used. More common than not there is an allergy to perfume, preservative or lanolin. If an contra-action occurs you must stop the procedure and it's advised to make notes on their consultation sheet for future references.

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